Szóval itt összegyűjtöm a kettlebellezés és a zsírégetés kapcsolatát.
Impact of Exercise Intensity on Body Fatness and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism
After a 5 week conditioning period on a recumbent (fekvő) cycle, The High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) group perform sprints while the Endurance Training (ET) group performed a more traditional aerobic protocol, throughout the remaining 15 weeks. Both groups progressed in intensity. At the conclusion of the study, the HIIT group lost over 3 times as much subcutaneous (bőr alatti) fat as the ET group despite expending less than half as many calories. For every calorie expended during HIIT, there was a nine fold loss of subcutaneous body fat, as compared to the ET group.
(20 week program, 17 subjects) Mode (ergocycle) Endurance Training High Intensity Interval Training Duration (minutes) 30 and increased to 45 30 Frequency 4/wk and increased to 5/wk 25 continuous sessions; half completed before week 5
Week 5-20: 19 long & 16 short interval sessions
Intensity 60% HRR and increased to 85% HRR 70% HRR warmup
60% of max output in 10 seconds & 70% of max output in 90 seconds; increasing 5% every 3 weeks
Energy Expended (MJ) 120.4 ± 31.0 57.9 ± 14.4 Fat Loss (mm) 4.5 13.9
HIIT Protocol
- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
- 5 minute warm-up at 50% HRR
- Short-interval work
- Initially 10 and later 15 bouts (sorozat)
- 15 seconds increasing to 30 seconds
- Long-interval
- 4 to 5 bouts
- 60 seconds increasing to 90 seconds
- Bouts separated by recovery periods allowing heart rate to return to 120 to 130 bpm
- Creatine phosphate recovery may take 4 minutes to replete between maximal bouts
Dependant Variables
- Fat Loss measured in millimeters
- Difference of before and after sum of skin fold measurements
- Sum of skin folds
- Triceps, Biceps, Calf (vádli) , Subscapular, Suprailiac, Abdomen
Nos, ez itten eléggé jól mutatja, hogy az intervallumos edzés, amely során EPOC-ot növelő edzést tartasz, jobban fog égni a zsír, mint ha futnál vagy bicikliznél.
"However, it should be emphasized that the overall weight-control benefits of EPOC, for men and women, from participation in resistance exercise occur over a significant time period, since kilocalories are expended at a low rate in the individual post-exercise sessions." (Source:
Szóval lassan ég az a fránya zsír az intervallumos edzéssel, de még így is nagyobb a zsírvesztés, mintha hullára fárasztanád magad ugri-bugrizással.
Current research of resistance weight training and EPOC has noted a relationship between exercise intensity and elevated metabolic rate. As weight lifting intensity increases, the EPOC duration also increases.
EPOC remained elevated throughout the three-hour postexercise measurement phase and was measured every 30 minutes. It was 13 percent higher than pre-exercise baseline oxygen consumption (VO2) in the final measurement stage. The subjects’ average RMR was 4.2 percent higher 16 hours following exercise, when compared to the pre-workout RMR. The authors concluded that intense resistance training produces modest, but prolonged elevation of postexercise metabolic rate in women.
Hosszú a folyamat, mire ég a zsír, de úgy fest, h működik, főleg, ha folyamatosan növeled az intenzitást.
Legközelebb megnézem, h mennyire gyakran kéne ilyen edzést tartani...
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