Ez kötelező olvasmány minden girjeviknek. Az összefoglalás a végén, de érdemes akkor is végig olvasni.
I will share with you one of my best advanced protocols for improving VO2max and lactate buffering capacity using the kettlebell.
To improve the 10 min. SSST you need to tax the oxidative energy pathways as well as the glycolytic pathways. Basically that means that you should train to stimulate your VO2max and your lactate producing and buffering capacities.
The program below is derived from the latest research on improving 10-15 min. work bouts. Most research is done on running and bicycling for good reason but based on findings from these studies it is possible to specifically design optimal SSST programs using this data and the knowledge of VO2 kinetics during submaximal and maximal work.
I will not go into the deep theory behind this kind of training but rather just provide you with a protocol you can start doing immediately. Should you be interested in knowing in detail why and how it works I hope to see you at the RKC II where there is a possibility of discussing it further.
The first thing you have to do is to establish at what snatch cadence you come the closest to eliciting your VO2max. This is done by doing an incremental test that lasts no less than 6 minutes. Basically you just start out very slow and for each minute you increase the cadence. When you have get to the 6th minute you go all out snatching as many times as you can without stopping for at least one minute. The test might look like this but is subject to individual differences:
1st minute: 10 reps left arm
2nd minute: 12 reps right arm
3rd minute 15 reps left arm
4th minute: 17 reps right arm
5th minute: 18 reps left arm
6th minute: 26 reps right arm (all out effort)
The 6th minute reflects your VO2max cadence, hence that will be your interval training tempo. It is very important for the protocol that you continued snatching for the entire 6th minute. (make sure afterwards you balance out the numbers of snatches performed on each side so each side get a total equal amount of work).
In this example the VO2max cadence = 26reps
The interval work/rest time is determined to 36 sec. which is 60% of one min.
In those 36 sec. you need to keep your VO2max cadence = 26reps x 60% = approx. 16 reps.
So the setup is as follows:
VO2max/lactate tolerance and buffering:
Work/rest ratio: 1:1 (36 sec of work separated by 36 sec of rest.)
Number of intervals: at least 10 and the goal is to work up to 17+ sets before you test the SSST.
Number of reps per set: 16 (it is very important NOT to go faster or slower. DO NOT speed up to get more rest- it will ruin what you are trying to do.)
If your hands can take it do this at least twice per week. Only substitute with swings if it is really necessary. The program is based on the specific VO2 kinetics of the snatch not the swing.
The program is very taxing and one should always build up volume slowly.
Now go be an animal and try it!
/Kenneth Jay
(Source: http://forum.dragondoor.com/training/message/453585%5C)
Borzasztó röviden a tartalom összefoglalva:
Csináld a Vo2 max-t növelő edzést!!!
Mérd meg a 6 perces protokollal (a fentiek szerint 1. percben 10 snatch, kézváltás, 2. percben 12 snatch, kézváltás, stb.) a Vo2 max értékét (pl. 26 snatch 60 s alatt)
A 6. pecben lévő snatch-számnak vedd a 60%-át (kb. 16 snatch).
A kapott snatch-számot végezd el egy 36 másodperces időtartam alatt, amelyet kövessen egy másik 36 másodperces pihenőszakasz. (36s snatch:36s pihenés)
Csinálj legalább 10 sorozatot, de a cél, hogy minimum 17 setet tudj elvégezni.
Heti legalább 2 alkalommal végezd ezt a protokollt.
Ne siess, 36s alatt végezd el a 16 snatchet, mert elrontod, ha hamarabb befejezed (2,25s/snatch, és ennél ne gyorsabban)
Szép lassan növeld a terhelést... ne legyen rögtön a 18 set a cél.
Ha fáj a kezed, a snatch-t helyettesítsd swinggel.
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